The INSTANT Snap-Out is very easily manageable, constructed especially to ensure quick and effective assemble/dissemble. The unique folding design guarantees no loose components, preventing failure in assembly and loss of parts.

  •  Option of special "twin deck" platform
  •  0.4 m leg adjustment
  •  Standard wheel/footplates and outriggers
  •  Assembly/dissembly without the use of tools
  •  Option of special arrangement (davit) for elevating sections during assembly/dissembly 
Standard section 1.29 m x 1.29 m / 1.83 m x 1.83 m
Min. opening for access 0.36 m x 0.36 m
Platform width 0.56 m
Platform length 1.29 m / 1.83 m
Width special platform 0.28 m (2 joint)
Length special platform 1.29 m / 1.83 m